Ice cream meringue cake

Since I have been making ice cream a lot recently, I have a lot of egg whites left in my fridge. One of my favorite recipes to use a lot of egg whites is this crispy light meringue. This meringue is delicious itself but even better with some yogurt, ice cream or some fruit! Today I made meringue dessert with vanilla ice cream and strawberry sauce.


Yield : About 8 meringue cups and 50 meringue mushrooms

Cooking time : About 3 hours including baking time … Continue reading “Ice cream meringue cake”

Raw honey

Did you know that raw honey and regular honey are different?


Raw honey is honey that is unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed, whereas a lot of honey that we find in supermarkets is not raw honey but regular honey, some of which have been pasteurized for easier filtering and packaging. However, pasteurization destroys the delicate aromas, yeast and enzymes which are responsible for activating vitamins and minerals in the body system. … Continue reading “Raw honey”

Los Angeles freeways

I came to Los Angeles in April, 2015. Since then, I’ve been getting used to culture and life style here, however, it took a long time to get used to driving here especially on freeways.


First of all, when I was in Japan, though I had my driver license, I never really drove because I could use subways and trains anywhere in Tokyo. However, here in Los Angeles, I have to drive to basically anywhere so I had to get used to it as soon as possible. It was very stressful for me at the beginning because everything is opposite from Japan where they drive on left side of roads. … Continue reading “Los Angeles freeways”