Different kinds of sugar

Did you know that there are many kinds of sugar and each sugar has its own shape, color, texture, taste, and nutritional value? sugar4

Here are some types of sugar that are commonly used…

  1. Granulated sugar : Granulated sugar is also sometimes called refined sugar, table sugar, or white sugar, and it is highly refined. Granulated sugar is made from sugarcane and sugar beets. Minerals are completely removed from this type of sugar.


2. Caster sugar : Caster sugar is superfine granulated sugar. The crystals are so fine  that they dissolve much quicker than standard granulated sugar, which makes it ideal for making syrups, meringues and cocktails.

3. Confectioners sugar : Confectioners sugar is also called powdered sugar or icing sugar and it is white sugar that has been ground into fine powder. It can easily dissolve in liquid and is ideal for making icing and frosting. Usually it contains about 3 % of corn starch to prevent caking.


4. Cane sugar : Unlike granulated sugar, which made from sugarcane or sugar beets, cane sugar is made solely from sugarcane and is minimally processed. It has a slightly larger grain and darker color and has slightly more minerals than granulated sugar.

sugar55. Demerara sugar : Demerara sugar is a variety of raw cane sugar that is minimally refined. It has large grains with an amber color and subtle molasses flavor.

6. Turbinado sugar : Turbinado sugar is another type of minimally refined raw cane sugar. It has large medium-brown crystals and delicate caramel flavor.

7. Muscovado sugar : Muscavado sugar is also referred to as Barbados sugar and it is a variety of unrefined cane sugar in which the molasses is not removed. It comes in light and dark varieties and has a sticky, wet , sandy texture with a complex flavor. Unlike granulated sugar or brown sugar, which is made of refined sugar with molasses added, muscovado sugar is known to contain various types of vitamins and minerals. A 100 grams of muscovado sugar contains 3.9 mg of phosphorus, 85 mg of calcium, 23 mg of magnesium, 100 mg of potassium and 1.3 mg of iron.


8. Light brown sugar : Light brown sugar is refined white sugar with a small amount of molasses added in. It has a wet and sandy texture but less sticky than muscovado sugar with a delicate caramel flavor.

9. Dark brown sugar : Dark brown sugar is refined sugar with molasses added in. It contains more molasses than light brown sugar and has a stronger flavor.

10. Molasses : Molasses is a by-product of sugar refining. Boiling the juices from sugarcane and sugar beets transforms them into a syrup from which sugar crystals are extracted and the liquid left behind is molasses. Dark molasses is darker, thicker, stronger in flavor and less sweet than light molasses.


There are many situations in our daily life where we use sugar and it may be a good idea to start using unrefined cane sugar like muscovado sugar because of its higher content of minerals and it is much more natural for our body than super refined white sugar.