Health benefits of maple syrup

I love maple syrup. When I was living in Canada, I fell in love with this delicious syrup and since then, I’ve always liked to add a teaspoon of maple syrup into my coffee or into my yogurt.

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Did you know that maple syrup is not only delicious but also has wonderful heath benefits?…

  1. Maple syrup can boost immune system. Maple syrup is a good source of zinc and magnesium, which play a key role in strengthening the immune system. Also maple syrup’s plant-based compounds reduce oxidative stress, which reduces the strength of our immune system.
  2. Maple syrup is rich in antioxidant properties. Maple syrup has various antioxidant properties that are essential for healthy living as they neutralize free radicals. Also the manganese mineral in maple syrup supplies the superoxide dismutase which is an oxidative enzyme. Darker maple syrup contains more beneficial antioxidants than lighter syrup.
  3. Maple syrup can maintain heart healthy. The presence of zinc in the body is one of the best ways to protect the heart. Maple syrup contains zinc and its consumption can prevent against various cardiovascular disorders.


Unrefined natural sweeteners like maple syrup contain higher levels of beneficial nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals than other sweeteners like refined sugar or corn syrup. Also the glycemic index score of maple syrup is about 54, compared to a score of about 65 for regular cane sugar, which means maple syrup has less impact on your blood sugar levels than refined sugar. Food with high glycemic index is known to spike your blood sugar quickly and raises insulin levels, which over time can lead to lower insulin response and cause diabetes.


Maple syrup is derived from the sap of maple trees, which makes it a relatively much more natural, unrefined product whereas refined sugar undergoes a long, complex process to be crystallized sugar. Other sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup is not a healthy choice, and neither are artificial sweeteners, as you may know.

When you buy maple syrup, read the ingredient label and make sure to choose one that has pure maple syrup as the only ingredient. It’s even better to get organic maple syrup, which ensures the trees were not treated with any chemicals. Mainly types of maple syrup are classified as “grade A” or “grade B”. Grade B is darker in color and more concentrated compared to grade A.

I personally like grade B syrup because of its deep flavor. What is your favorite way to use maple syrup?