Watch out for cheap ice cream!

I love ice cream. Who doesn’t? I love it so much that I eat it every day after dinner. I used to eat any kind of ice cream especially cheap ones because they are just reasonable for a person who eats ice cream every day. But now I try not to eat store-bought ones and instead, I make some myself. It’s the same reason for coffee cream and whipping cream that I talked about, “partially hydrogenated oils” which contain trans fats. Of course there are some high quality ice cream without any partially hydrogenated oils or artificial additives, however, I realized that most of the cheap ice cream that I used to eat are with these harmful ingredients.

ice cream

The reason why I keep talking about this partially hydrogenated oils is because there are still so many people who do not know what it is and how bad it is for our health. I was actually one of those who didn’t really know about it until recently but as I searched, I was shocked how much it is used for the food around us. It’s pretty much in every kind of food like cookies, pies, donuts, bread, ice cream, and many more. But of course, there are some genuine products that are made without it. The important thing is to read the ingredients label.

However, here is the tricky thing about trans fats. When you read the label and see “0 gram trans fat per serving”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this product has no trans fat. If the food contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving, manufacturing companies can round the number down to zero. Again, the important thing is to read the ingredients label and if you find “partially hydrogenate oils”, it’s better to avoid it.
