Which cooking oil we should use to cook

Did you know that some cooking oils are better for eating raw whereas some are better for cooking over heat? The main difference is the”smoke point”, that refers to the temperature at which cooking fat or oil starts to break down and the substance burns and produces smoke. This smoking oil not only gives unpleasant bitter taste and smell, but also creates cancer-causing compounds that are harmful to our body. Some cooking oils have higher smoke point which makes a better choice for cooking over heat and some have lower smoke point, which are best for salad dressing.

olive oil

Here are some of the oils with relatively lower smoke point;

-Pumpkin seed oil

-Unrefined flaxseed oil

-Unrefined safflower oil

-Unrefined sunflower oil

-Unrefined corn oil

-Extra virgin olive oil

-Unrefined peanut oil

-Unrefined soy oil

-Unrefined walnut oil

-Hemp seed oil


-Canola oil

-Coconut oil

-Unrefined sesame oil


-Macadamia nut oil

Here are oils with relatively higher smoke point;

-Refined canola oil

-Cottonseed oil

-Grape seed oil

-Virgin olive oil

-Almond oil

-Hazelnut oil

-Peanut oil

-Sunflower oil

-Refined corn oil

-Palm oil

-Refined soy oil

-Refined peanut oil

-Rice bran oil

-Soybean oil

-Refined safflower oil

-Avocado oil

-Corn oil

cooking oils

Although coconut oil has relatively lower smoke point, because of the high content of saturated fat,it is able to withstand higher temperatures so it’s great for cooking.

I personally like to use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing and coconut oil or avocado oil for cooking because they are easily available and not too pricy. Occasionally, I also like to use pumpkin seed oil or hazelnut oil for salad dressing to add the nutty flavor. What is your favorite oil?